Nottingham University Business School
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Jiakun Hou

Room: A2 (South Building)
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8467995

Current Status: Writing up
Year of Registration: 2015
Expected Completion Date: /09/2018

Primary Funding Source:
Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship for Research Excellence International

Research Topic:
An analysis of stressing testing Chinese banking system

Research Details:
To determine whether stress testing banks under different economic environments reflect the 'true' potential reductions in banks' capital position and show whether these reductions could lead to the loss of profitability and the failure of GSIFEs. Given the fact that China is the second largest world economy, is the introduction of a domestic stress testing programme a good way to reduce contagion in world banking if and when a new financial crisis happens. That is, should China implement these tests as soon as possible?

Research Supervisor/s: Richard Simper and Aristeidis Dadoukis

Department: Finance, Risk and Banking

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