Nottingham University Business School
Lilly pads on the lake at Jubilee Campus

Emergent research: Professor Aditya Jain Dr Simona Spedale

Professor Aditya Jain and Dr Simona Spedale, along with their doctoral student Fiona Frost, are developing a new research stream into the important and very timely challenge of loneliness in work, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Nottingham and external stakeholders. 

Loneliness is emerging as one of society’s grand challenges. Each of us can experience it at some point in our lives, with significant consequences for our health and wellbeing.

At policy level, several initiatives by the UK Government – including a programme of work to tackle loneliness following the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness and the world’s first Loneliness Strategy – have been designed to tackle the stigma of loneliness and promote social connections.


So far, attention has been directed to categories considered ‘at risk’, such as the elderly, people in care, and specific age groups.

The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the challenge of loneliness, with measures such as social distancing and shielding/self-isolation becoming widespread. 

It has also highlighted how loneliness can impact the world of work and employment as usual working patterns have been severely disrupted by the new norm of working from home.


Dr Simona Spedale

Dr Simona Spedale

Photo of Fiona Frost, doctoral research student, stood outside with purple flowers and trees in the background. Fiona is smiling and wearing a blue long sleeve jumper and a necklace.

Fiona Frost, doctoral research student



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Jubilee Campus

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