Nottingham University Business School
Participants from the Executive Programme in Strategic Technical Leadership listen to Dr Jeannie Holstein deliver a session. Jeannie stands at the front of the room and the participants sit in groups at tables with notepads, folders and cups.

Nottingham City Transport - Executive Development Programme

In 2024, Nottingham City Transport approached our Executive Education team to deliver a custom development programme for its Board of Executive and Non-Executive Directors.

Nottingham City Transport (NCT) are the biggest transport operator in Nottingham, with 300 buses providing a comprehensive network of services across the city, 7 days a week.

NCT has a Board of Executive and Non-Executive Directors and the Executive Education team consulted with NCT to develop a customised three-day programme exploring these roles and covering specific key concepts in corporate governance, strategic planning, key performance indicators (KPIs), finance and risk management.

The sessions allowed valuable time for conversation within the Board and content was tailored specifically to NCT’s business plan to address real time challenges and opportunities. The programme was delivered over several weeks, allowing the delegates time to reflect on their learning and apply this new knowledge.

A yellow bus travelling along a street in Bulwell, Nottinghamshire

Nottingham City Transport logo with white text on a green background


The programme was delivered by academic staff at Nottingham University Business School with practitioner and academic experience of delivering Executive level programmes. Lara Gee trained as a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) with PWC in Birmingham. The role was varied and included auditing, forensic accounting, due diligence and taxation. She also spent 4 years working for the Audit Commission which involved the audit of various public sector organisations, including hospitals and local government.

Members of the Executive Board from Nottingham City Transport sit around tables during their programme

Michelle Stirk’s professional background is in management accounting and she held a number of management accountant posts in both the public and private sectors before embarking on her career in academia.

Tarek AbdelFattah has substantial practical experience in consultancy and training in the field of accounting and auditing. He provided consultations and designed professional courses for private and governmental organizations in the Middle East and North Africa region and works closely with industry and professional agencies.

Reflecting on the programme, Tarek said:



Tarek AbdelFattah profile photo
The Board of Directors at NCT showed exceptional commitment and engagement throughout the training course. Their openness in sharing their business plan and accounts enabled us to design and deliver a relevant and highly impactful program by addressing their unique challenges and opportunities. This tailored training enhanced their ability to refine and sharpen their strategic direction.
Tarek AbdelFattah, Associate Professor in Accounting, Nottingham University Business School



Between them, the delivery team enabled the Board to look at ways to grow and maximise new opportunities. For example, the corporate governance session provided comprehensive insights into best practices for overseeing and managing within the organisation. It emphasised the importance of transparency and accountability which are critical for maintaining stakeholder trust and ensuring the long-term sustainability for the organisation.

When asked about which parts of the programme the Board found most valuable, Ben Potgieter, HR Director, said:

Spending time together as a Board away from the office was incredibly valuable as we explored key issues around strategic planning, corporate governance, finance and risk management. The delivery was very engaging. The fact that the programme was bespoke, tailored around our own business plan, accounts and approach to these subject areas meant that what we learned had real practical application and gave the Board an invaluable opportunity to reflect on how we approach these key strategic issues.
Ben Potgieter, HR Director, Nottingham City Transport

Ben added that his experience working with the Executive Education team to develop and deliver this custom programme was 'incredibly rewarding'.

The dedication, expertise, and collaborative spirit, was instrumental in crafting a programme that met the needs of the executive board. The Executive Education team ensured the programme was not only educational but was delivered by industry experts to make the sessions engaging and impactful.
Ben Potgieter, HR Director, Nottingham City Transport


Dianne Jackson, who also attended the programme, said:


A profile photo of Dianne Jackson from Nottingham City Transport
Over the three days, I really enjoyed the training, and I am sure all other Board members did too. It was very useful, informative, and thought provoking.
Dianne Jackson, Chair of Notts County Foundation Trust




To find out more about developing a custom programme with our Executive Education team, please visit our Custom Programmes page.



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