Assessing the Impacts of Multinational Corporations on GLOBAL Development and VALUE Creation
The FP7 European funded GLOBAL VALUE project develops an innovative framework for assessing impacts of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) on issues related to the Millennium Declaration, sustainable development, human rights, transparency and anti-corruption. To ensure utility, we will monitor the policy debate on global and sustainable development and deliver a regularly updated a catalogue of goals and indicators. We will shed light on institutional arrangements; analyse systems of governance for responsible business practices; explore responsible competitiveness; assess the complementarity of public and private sector activities; and derive recommendations for decision makers in business, policy and NGOs.
For addressing MNCs the project will deliver a modular, user-friendly and customizable toolkit, including a web-based assessment platform, an indicator set, a user guide, and training materials. It will take into account the most relevant pathways of impact (through business operations, community investments, regional, supply chain and product related impacts) and link up with powerful management approaches (such as supply chain management, life cycle assessment and base of the pyramid innovation).
The toolkit will be tested in close collaboration with leading MNCs: BATA (garment, Bangladesh), OLAM (food, Tanzania) and NOKIA (ICT, India). Research organisations and CSOs from these countries are members of the consortium and ensure the involvement of stakeholders and local actors. The three cases will be implemented one after another to continuously improve the assessment toolkit.
This is a collaborative project consisting of eight work packages with the ICCSR being a major contributor to WP1 & WP2. The other consortium members include Vienna University of Economics & Business, Aalto University, Copenhagen Business School, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft/ Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights, Central European University, Saarland University, Öko-Institut e.V., Sokoine University of Agriculture, Sustainalytics, BRAC Bangladesh.
The project start date is 1st January 2014 and the end date 31st December 2016.