Business School Alumni


Chartered Banker Institute announces Nottingham University Business School as a Centre of Excellence

The Chartered Banker Institute has announced Nottingham University Business School as one of three new Centres of Excellence alongside the University of Exeter Business School and Newcastle University Business School.

Screenshot-2017-9-19 (10) Nottingham University Business School AlumniThe Institute’s Centres of Excellence initiative was launched in late 2015. It provides a formal framework for collaboration with universities, enabling appropriate degrees (usually at masters level) to be recognised within its membership or qualification structure, and to be formally accredited by the Institute.

This now brings the number of confirmed Centres of Excellence to seven with several other academic institutions currently seeking approval from the Institute.

The Institute looks forward to working with Exeter, Nottingham and Newcastle by welcoming all their university learners on an accredited programme, to become student members of the Institute during their studies; collaborating on areas of research, which are of interest to its members; and holding jointly branded events, which will provide opportunities to bring together academics and banking professionals to share knowledge and experience.

Simon Thompson, Chief Executive of the Chartered Banker Institute commented: “I am hugely encouraged to see three more highly respected academic institutions joining our Centres of Excellence initiative. It is yet another example of the increasing influence of the Chartered Banker Institute and its growing membership of over 30,000.”

Professor James Devlin, Dean of Nottingham University Business School added: “We are delighted to become a Chartered Banker Institute Centre of Excellence and to further strengthen our relationship with the Institute. The development is a recognition of our excellence in the areas of research and teaching in banking and engagement with the banking and finance community. Our MSc in Banking and Finance continues to go from strength-to-strength and the Centre for Risk, Banking and Financial Services based in the Business School provides a focal point for our research in the area. The Chartered Banker Institute has a crucial role to play in promoting ethics and professionalism in the banking sector and in improving levels of trust and confidence on the part of the public. We look forward to working with the Institute and to contributing to this mission in any way that we can.”

About the Chartered Banker Institute

The Chartered Banker Institute (“the Institute”) is the oldest professional banking institute in the world. The Institute was founded in 1875, operates in all UK nations, and has a significant and growing international presence.

The Institute has driven an agenda of ethical professionalism throughout its existence; promoting professional standards for bankers, providing professional qualifications for retail, commercial and private bankers in the UK and overseas, and offering professional membership to qualified individuals. The Institute currently has over 30,000 members and in 2016, nearly 170,000 individual bankers met the Chartered Banker: Professional Standards Board’s Foundation Standard.

Posted on Monday 25th September 2017




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