Business School Alumni


MBA Director wins prestigious University of Nottingham Lord Dearing Award

paul lord dearing award

Our very own Paul Caulfield, MBA Director and Assistant Professor in Responsible and Sustainable Business at the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR), has been awarded a 2016 Lord Dearing Award for excellence in teaching and learning.

The highly-valued award recognizes the outstanding achievements of University of Nottingham staff, and in particular acknowledges those who are able to create a nurturing learning environment that is simultaneously challenging, creative and innovative.

The awards, which attract intense competition, are based on nominations, and are judged by an expert panel that includes the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Life, senior members of staff and officers of the Student Union.

Each year 20 awards are made to teaching staff and ten for staff from other categories such as technical or support employees. Paul will receive his award at the Nottingham University Business School graduation ceremony in July.

Paul, who is director of the Nottingham MBA programme, said of his application. “I think it is important for us all to continually seek to improve experience and enable our students to become insightful and responsible business leaders for the future.” The award panel commented on Paul’s use of new technologies, and efforts to integrate academic performance with contemporary management practice.

The Lord Dearing Award Scheme was created in 1999, and is named after the late Ronald Dearing, Chancellor of the University of Nottingham from 1993 to 2000. Ronald rose from humble beginnings to become a senior civil servant and then Chairman and Chief Executive of the Post Office. He was also author of the influential 1997 Dearing Report into higher education, which made 93 recommendations to government on the funding, expansion and maintenance of academic standards.

Full details of Lord Dearing Award winners

Posted on Monday 13th June 2016




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