Business School Alumni


My journey from Nottingham to ERASMUS ambassador

23 September 2013

Bubbly alumna Laura Popa’s tireless work as an ERASMUS Ambassador has inspired hundreds of University students to break out of their comfort zones and experience the benefits of spending time studying in another country for themselves. We wanted to know what had inspired Laura to become more actively involved in the work of ERASMUS, the European Union's flagship educational exchange programme for Higher Education students, teachers and institutions.

‘I’ve always wanted to live life in a different way than the ordinary students in my home country. This was the reason why I applied and got ERASMUS mobility funding during 2008-9, at Istanbul University. I studied Business Administration in English and had an amazing intercultural experience.

‘While in Turkey, I founded the Turkish branch of the League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS). Since then, I have been offering support and advice to Romanian students going to Turkey to study. I know that everyone can get used to living in any geographical space or culture, as long as motivation and ambition that guided you there, are stronger than the caprice or comfort that a familiar place or face gives you! This is why, LSRS ensures an organised environment for the community of Romanian students abroad, by promoting a strong solidarity between its members, as valuable representatives of their country, and a positive attitude toward coming back home upon graduation.’

What is it exactly that you have to do as an ERASMUS Ambassador?

‘After returning from Turkey, I was chosen as the 2 millionth ERASMUS student and from 2012, I am the ERASMUS Ambassador of Romania at the European Commission. For the last few years I have been in touch with educational systems across the world and delivered presentations in all the main Universities in Romania about studying abroad. Also, I founded an non-governmental organisation called Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Romania, dealing with incoming students and offering advice about their stay in Romania. Through my involvement with ERASMUS I have had the best professional experiences I could have asked for.’

Why did you choose to the MSc Corporate Strategy and Governance at Nottingham University Business School?

‘During my time in Turkey as an Erasmus student, I decided to pursue an MSc in Corporate Strategy and Governance. Since the University of Nottingham Business School was the only one offering this course together with a full scholarship, I applied right away.

‘I chose NUBS because of its outstanding research and teaching, as well as the excellent links it has with the business world. The University is also part of the Russell Group, which has a great impact on the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of the United Kingdom. Studying at NUBS is quite challenging as it presents you with the same kind of challenges you will face in a real business environment. It was fantastic to work in multicultural groups and a great learning experience.

What is your fondest memory from your time at the Business School?

‘I have great memories from Nottingham. One thing that I am proud of is the Romanian Society, a very active organisation even nowadays. I had organised several events in the University, which gathered many international students, who are fans of our country.’

Watch a short film about the Romanian Society

How has the Business School helped develop your career?

‘I am grateful to my career advisor, Gillian Murchie, who was very supportive from the beginning, helping me to design the best possible CV, along with many other tips and tricks.

‘I got the opportunity to apply for a placement programme with a Swiss company operating in Palma de Mallorca, and wrote my dissertation on market entry strategies regarding the natural gas industry in North America. In my opinion, a good theoretical education is the basis for professional success.’

‘All international career opportunities made me a better person, becoming a better professional in my daily activities. I am currently working for the Novartis group, in the General Management department.’

Watch Laura’s online testimonial

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Posted on Thursday 14th January 2016




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