Business School Alumni


Former City finance high flier explains how the Nottingham MBA inspired her to start an award winning social enterprise

15 December 2014

Speaking to UK digital magazine 'Woman-On-Top', former Merrill Lynch executive Kirstie MacDonald explained why she quit a high-flying career in finance to start an Executive MBA at Nottingham University Business School and how it inspired her to co-found the award winning social enterprise 'Laughing Matters', harnessing the power of comedy to help people learn and relearn life skills, confidence and self-esteem in the local community.

Kirstie described how she came up with the idea for Laughing Matters: “I read about a course at Nottingham University Business School where they have an international centre for corporate social responsibility – they are one of the leaders in responsible business and sustainable management globally.

“Part of the course work was to come up with a business plan for a social enterprise. My husband does a lot of work at the Edinburgh Festival and has a comedy club, and I thought how could a small business [like his] do something positive to impact the community. I was so surprised to find that Nottingham is considered to be quite socially deprived. There are big issues around youth unemployment, addiction and addiction recovery.”

Article first published in Woman-On-Top on 3rd December 2014.

Posted on Friday 22nd January 2016




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