Business School Alumni


Nottingham Malaysia academic conferred 'Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education'

08 December 2014

The World Education Congress (WEC), an international non-profit organisation, has conferred the ‘Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education’ to Dr Nafis Alam, Associate Professor at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus at a recent ceremony in India. This high stature award was presented to Dr. Alam for his exemplary role in Leadership, Innovation, Academic and Industry Interface and contribution in Islamic finance education.

WEC focuses on the evolving culture of education and educational pedagogy, with the objective of deep systemic change, as well as providing a platform for discussion on effective learning strategies for Higher Education Institutes. WEC presents awards to institutions and individuals in the higher education sector who have achieved high levels of excellence and who provides exemplary leadership and a role model.

The WEC award follows another prestigious honour in May 2014 when Dr Alam was recognised as ‘Professor of the Month’ by the Financial Times granted to experts in a specific field of research and to highlight the contribution that their work makes to both the academic and business communities.

Earlier this year, Dr Alam was instrumental in establishing the Centre for Islamic Business and Finance Research (CIBFR), a leading research institute to promote Islamic business and finance research and policy based at The University of Malaysia Campus.

CIBFR aims to build on its resource pool of human capital in promoting research through collaborations with national and international bodies in the field of Islamic banking and finance, Islamic business and Halal industry. The Centre works in close collaboration with other well-established research institutes across the University of Nottingham campuses such as The Centre for Risk, Banking and Financial Services in the UK, and Centre for Global Finance and the International Finance Research Centre at the Ningbo China campus.

A key feature of CIBFR is a series of high profile research and industry talks. In November the Centre successfully hosted its inaugural session of ‘Distinguished Lecture Series’ at its Kuala Lumpur Teaching Centre. The lecture entitled ‘Organizing Principles of Islamic Finance: An Epistemological View’ was delivered by Professor Abbas Mirakhor, Chair of Islamic Finance at the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance and former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund.

CIBFR are keen to connect with alumni who are working in and/or interested in international collaborations, strategic guidance and financial support in the following areas:

  1. Product development in the area of Islamic banking and finance
  2. Issues in Islamic Accounting
  3. Islamic Marketing and Development of Halal industry related issues
  4. Zakat (Islamic philanthropy) and Waqf (Islamic Trust) impact of social well-being.
  5. Islamic tourism.
  6. Islamic Business Ethics
  7. Islamic Economics/Economies
  8. Risk management practices for Islamic finance
Visit the CIBFR website
Posted on Friday 22nd January 2016




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