Centre for Advanced Studies

Bid Bootcamp

Monday 23rd (10:00) - Tuesday 24th April 2012 (16:00)
A limited number of places are available, please email Allison.pearson@nottingham.ac.uk by 5 April 2012 if you would like to attend. 

This two-day bootcamp will hone skills in writing research grant applications for the ESRC, AHRC and Leverhulme Trust.  This is a practical workshop in which those attending will work on a ‘live’ research proposal for submission this academic year. Participants will have the opportunity for dedicated writing time and tailored input from a Panel of senior academics with a track record of successful applications and grant review experience. The panel will advise, assist and discuss the development of the proposals with their advice tailored to the requirements of the target funding body of each participant.

Bid Bootcamp Day 1- programme

 10.00 Welcome, introduction and aims of the workshop, Professor Pat Thomson

Parallel sessions:
a) AHRC/ESRC: Objectives and Summary sections – overview and participant writing time
b) Leverhulme: Abstract and Why the Leverhulme Trust sections – overview and participant writing time

 12.15 Review of the Sections and Questions
 12.30 Lunch

Case for Support – overview of approaches and requirements

 13.15 Participant writing time
 15.00 The Panel as reviewers will outline what they expect to see in a successful application
 15.45 Close

The Panel will review cases for support overnight, and with a participant’s permission, choose one to use as an example to analyse and evaluate in detail on Day 2.

Bid Bootcamp Day 2 - programme

 10.00 A critical review of a case for support from proposals written on Day 1

Research design. Overview followed by participant writing time

 11.45 Impact – overview of Impact as required by RCUK

Group work on Impact



 13.30 Final review of projects and Q&A

Costing proposals surgery
– Laura Pearson and Karen Attreed (CAS Funding Office) will be in attendance throughout the event to give individual advice on proposals. All participants are encouraged to attend this surgery, preferably during day 1.

To apply for a place at the workshop academics need to submit an outline proposal, 2pp max written to the following headings:

  • Funder
  • Scheme
  • Title of project
  • Aim/objectives
  • Collaborators (where appropriate)
  • Outputs 
  • Impact (for AHRC/ESRC applications only)

Deadline for receipt of proposals is 5 April.
A similar event for the development of fellowship applications is planned for the Summer term.  

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk