Centre for Advanced Studies

Cafe Politique

Tuesday 7th May 2013 (19:25-21:30)
Tickets and further information available from the Broadway, 14 - 18 Broad Street, Nottingham NG1 3AL
0115 9526 611/info@broadway.org.uk

Cafe Politique: Professor Wynn Rees from Politics and International Relations will be introducing Zero Dark Thirty at the Broadway cinema on 7th May.

Wyn Rees is Professor of International Security in the School of Politics & International Relations at the University of Nottingham. He writes and teaches in the fields of transatlantic security relations and Western counter-terrorism policy.

Professor Rees will give a 20-minute introduction to the film 'Zero Dark Thirty', directed by Kathryn Bigelow. The film focuses on America's hunt for Osama bin Laden and probes how its policies of torturing detainees provided some of the leads that resulted in bin Laden's death in Pakistan. It leaves the viewer to weigh up whether the compromises of America's ideals within its War on Terror were a price worth paying.

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk