CAS Early Career Event

Wednesday 10th December 2014 (12:00-13:30)

Please book early to secure a place, via the Eventbrite link.


The Centre for Advanced Studies announces the next in our series of Early Career events, specifically aimed at late-stage PhD students and those who have recently obtained their doctorate but are not yet in a permanent academic post, for the faculties of Arts and Social Sciences.

The session will:

  • explore research funding opportunities with a specific focus on fellowships covering British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, relevant ESRC/AHRC schemes and internal opportunities;
  • provide an overview of internal support available for early career researchers;
  • offer advice about success factors from a research council reviewers’ perspective;
  • give tips for success from a successful fellowship holder. 



Registration & buffet lunch


Sally Bowden and Paula Gurteen, Research Development Managers for the Arts & Social Sciences, CAS
Welcome from CAS


Lisa McCabe and Hilary Sanders, Research & Business Development Officers, CAS
Funding opportunities, schemes and support
Coverage of the range of schemes across the arts and social sciences: AHRC, ESRC, BA & Leverhulme as well as the support offered via CAS.


Katie McGettigan, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Hints and tips from a successful fellowship holder
Timelines and writing an application, how decided what to apply for, where to find appropriate information, success factors.


Eleanor Forward, Researcher Training and Development Manager, Graduate School
Graduate School Support
Internal schemes, career support and training


Rebecca Stokes, Research Policy Manager, Research and Graduate Services
Nottingham Research Fellowships and Anne McLaren Fellowships
Overview of internal fellowships and tips for a successful application


Georgina Endfield, Professor of Environmental History
A view from the reviewer
What do funders look for in a fellowship application?



As this is usually a very popular event, you are encouraged to book early to secure a place, please follow the Eventbrite link.

Vegetarian options will be available but should you have specific dietary requirements please contact Allison Pearson at least a week in advance.

For those unable to attend this session, we will post presentations to our workspace library after the event, at:

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
