Centre for Advanced Studies

Corpus approaches to Social Media Analysis

Friday 12th December 2014 (10:00-15:00)

Places are limited, please contact Allison.pearson@nottingham.ac.uk with your name, School and a brief statement of your interest in the event by 1st December. We will come back to you to confirm your registration.


In this one-day workshop event, a team from the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science at Lancaster University will visit Nottingham to look at the use of corpus linguistics to explore social media, specifically Twitter. The day will comprise of three talks covering recent research projects in the centre, looking at Twitter reactions to Benefits Street (Paul Baker), the murder of Lee Rigby (Tony McEnery) and misogynistic abuse (Claire Hardaker and Mark McGlashan).

The day will conclude with a lab session in which, using standard tools available to corpus linguists, training in the corpus based discourse analysis of Twitter data will be given.

Citizen-centric approaches to Social Media Analysis (CaSMa) is an ESRC-funded project. Located in Horizon, it is tasked with developing a set of services and facilities for the Social Sciences that will allow researchers to draw upon social media and associated human data to gain insights into human behaviour in a manner that is ethically sound. To this end the PI, Prof Derek Macauley (Horizon/CS), and the Co-Is, Profs Svenja Adolphs (English), Claire O'Malley (Psychology) and Tom Rodden will be closely aligning the development of new tools and facilities with a series of social science explorations that use the emerging tools and develop them in an iterative manner.

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk