Centre for Advanced Studies

Digital Skills for Researchers: Exploring Pedagogies for Advanced Digital Literacies

Monday 7th October 2013 (13:00-14:00)

Please register your attendance with Allison.Pearson@nottingham.ac.uk for catering purposes.


Digital Skills for Researchers: Exploring Pedagogies for Advanced Digital Literacies

A lecture by Dr Helen Webster

In 2012, Cambridge University commissioned a short project to train Humanities Early Career researchers in ‘transferable digital skills’. The resulting training resources drew on a blend of Digital Humanities, Digital Literacies and pedagogies for a digital age, to create a mini-MOOC for researchers. Teaching academics to use Twitter became a complex process of negotiating identities, practices and values between a new medium and a traditional profession.

The CAS Digital Humanities Seminar series presents research that combines arts and humanities disciplines with technology. The seminar series highlights the ways in which Arts can make use of IT to ask new questions, or to provide new methodologies for engaging with research questions. No knowledge of IT is needed to take part in the seminars, and all members of the Nottingham community with an interest in Arts research and IT are welcome to attend.

The seminar will be followed by tea and coffee in the Highfield House Cloisters.

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk