Centre for Advanced Studies

Early Careers event

Thursday 24th January 2013 (12:30-15:00)

To book a place, please follow this Eventbrite link http://www.eventbrite.com/event/520116883
Event organiser: Lisa McCabe, Ext 68345


Early Career Fellowships Event

This event will cover:

  • research funding opportunities with a specific focus on fellowships, including AHRC, ESRC, BA and Leverhulme scheme opportunities
  • an overview of support available for early career applicants from CAS
  • advice about success in timing, experience and career stages, success factors from a research council reviewer and tips for success from a successful fellowship holder


12.30-12.45 Registration & buffet lunch 
12.45–1.15 Sally Bowden,
Research Development Manager, CAS
Welcome from the Centre for Advanced Studies
1.15-1.45 Lisa McCabe,
Research & Business Development Officer, CAS

Funding opportunities, schemes and support: To cover a range of schemes across the arts and social sciences: AHRC, ESRC, BA & Leverhulme, as well as the support offered via CAS

1.45–2.05 Katya Krylova, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, Department of German Studies, CLAS Hints and tips from a successful fellowship holder: Timelines and writing an application, how decided what to apply for, where to find appropriate information, success factors
2.05-2.30 Professor Svenja Adolphs, ESRC Grant Assessment Panel member, School of English A view from the reviewer: What do funders look for in a fellowship application? Success factors.


 Q&A session  

An event targeted at early career academic and research staff, as well as late-stage PhD students in the Arts and Social Sciences.

Lunch and refreshments will be included. To book a place, please follow the Eventbrite link http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5201168836

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk