Centre for Advanced Studies

BFI Science Fiction Film Festival: Gattaca screening

Saturday 25th October 2014 (13:00-15:45)

Tickets for the screening are £4 each and available from the University of Nottingham online store here.
For other enquiries please contact Sally Bowden.

Keighton Auditorium is building 56 on the University Park campus map.


As part of the BFI's Sci-fi Days of Fear and Wonder Festival, the University of Nottingham is delighted to be working with Broadway Media Centre to look at the science in Science Fiction and just what scares us all.

This event will bring together a team of scientists and scholars to explore what fascinates us about Science Fiction and explores where the science is in key tropes from Sci-fi. The panel talk on Perspectives on Science Fiction will be followed by an introduction to Gattaca, by Dr John Marks, with the showing of Gattaca (106 mins) to begin at 2pm.

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk