Media futures media pasts

Wednesday 8th June 2011 (17:00-18:30)
To be followed by a wine reception, 6.30-7.30pm, please RSVP to Allison Pearson if you would like to attend: or tel: 0115 95 14832. or tel: 0115 95 14832

Centre for Advanced Studies Annual Lecture 2011
Media Futures, Media Pasts

Professor William Uricchio, Professor and Director, MIT Comparative Media Studies Program and Professor of Comparative Media History, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Professor Uricchio’s research considers the interplay of media technologies into cultural practices, and their role in (re-)constructing representation, knowledge and publics. His most recent books include Media Cultures (2006 Heidelberg), on responses to media in post 9/11 Germany and the US, and We Europeans? Media, Representations, Identities (2008 Chicago). 

This lecture will ask how recent social and technological changes, such as ever-faster network speeds and possibilities of aggregating participation, have helped to recontextualize established media forms, enabled the transformation of hierarchies of power and taste, and challenged existing analytic paradigms. How might the study of media, rooted in humanities, arts and social science traditions, respond to the pace of change in media technology and cultural practices? And in those responses, might we find the seeds of change for the humanities, contributing back to the traditions that gave our study form?

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
