Centre for Advanced Studies

Prof Laurie Taylor to speak at opening of new Centre of Advanced Studies in the Arts and Social Sciences

Wednesday 10th (13:30) - Friday 12th October 2012 (20:00)

All welcome. Tickets are free of charge and available on a first come first served basis, via:
where you will need to book separately for each session you would like to attend.



If you have any difficulties registering for these sessions please contact Allison Pearson (Ext 14838).


Centre for Advanced Studies at Highfield House:
Launch dates, 10-12 Oct 2012 incl

As you willbe aware, the Centre for Advanced Studies moved (with the Graduate School) into Highfield House early in September. The Centre is planning a formal programme of events to celebrate the move to the new building, to take place 10-12 Oct 2012 incl., under the heading:

'What makes a good society: Insights from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences'

Please follow the links to sign up for each programme session.

10th October: ‘What makes a good society? Insights from the arts, humanities and social sciences’

1.30 – 2 pm: Welcome and introduction.

2 – 3.15 pm: Panel sessions:

 Socially responsible science/science and morality (Chair: Prof. Stephen Joseph) http://caslauncha1.eventbrite.co.uk

 The cohesive city: the past, present and future of urban space (Chair : Dr. Stephen Legg) http://caslaunchb1.eventbrite.co.uk

 Collective memory, identities and communities (Chair: Prof Chris Woodard) http://caslaunchc1.eventbrite.co.uk

3.15 – 3.45: coffee break

3.45 – 5pm: Panel Sessions:

 The Role of Art in the Good Society (Chairs: Dr. Robert Adlington and Dr Nick Baron) http://caslauncha2.eventbrite.co.uk

 Intercultural interactions and translating cultures (Chair: Prof. Judith Still) http://caslaunchb2.eventbrite.co.uk

 Cultures of work and labour (Chair: Prof. Marek Korcznsky) http://caslaunchc2.eventbrite.co.uk

5 – 5.30: refreshments in the Cloisters

5.30 – 7pm: Keynote lecture: The Role of Arts and Social Sciences in a Good Society. Prof. Greg Currie and Prof. Alex Danchev join Prof. Svenja Adolphs and Prof. Pat Thomson to discuss the contribution of the Arts and Scoial Sciences to the making of a good society. Lecture will be introduced by VC Prof. David Greenaway. http://caslaunchk1.eventbrite.co.uk

7 – 8.30pm: reception with buffet

11th October: ‘What makes a good society? The civic/public role of the engaged University’

12 noon-1.30: What makes a researcher community? Graduate School hosted lunch for PGRs, ECRs and supervisors/academic staff in the new Social Sciences and Arts Graduate Centre in Highfield House. Come and help shape the future of the Graduate Centre and how it might be used to foster a researcher community: http://graduateschoollunch.eventbrite.co.uk

1.30 – 2.30: The civic v. public role of the engaged University. Panel session: external speakers: Prof. Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht), Prof. Susan Manning (Edinburgh), Prof. Robert Gibbs (Toronto) in conversation with Prof. Pat Thomson (UoN) http://caslaunchrb.eventbrite.co.uk

2.45 – 3.30: Workshop programme with UoN speakers showcasing public and civic engagement activities. Confirmed speakers include: Prof. Phil Cowley – The Politics Blog, Dr Jon Henderson and Dr Will Bowden (Archaeology) – Archaeology and the media.  http://caslaunchworkshop.eventbrite.co.uk

4.30 – 6pm: Valuing the Contribution of the Arts and Social Sciences to a Good Society. Speakers Prof. Andrew Miles (Manchester) and Prof. Eleanora Belfiore (Warwick) in conversation with Prof. John Holmwood (UoN). Lecture introduced by Prof. Saul Tendler, PVC for Research. http://caslaunchk2.eventbrite.co.uk

6.30 – 7.30pm: split programme:

Prof. Celeste-Marie Bernier’s inaugural lecture: Arts Centre Lecture Theatre: Imaging Slavery
(For this item only RSVP helen.taylor@nottingham.ac.uk)

CAS Reception with buffet and exhibition talks in Cloisters area in Highfield House

12th October: "Making a good society: research and knowledge partnerships in the arts and social sciences"

2 – 4: Tableau presentations of work of research networks, collaborative partnerships from UoN:

Dr Paul Grainge and Dr Cathy Johnson and their work with creative industries giant Red Bee Media
Dr Gary Priestnall - the PARM project
Prof. Louise Mullany - Ten years of the Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics
Prof Paul Crawford/Dr Christina Lee - the Health Humanities Research Network tbc
Dr Nikki Pitchford - Children & Childhood 
Prof Julian Henderson - The Silk Road Research Network 
Dr Katharina Lorenz and Prof. Roberta Pearson - The Digital Humanities Research Network
Dr Gary Winship - The Clay Transformations Project (film)
Dr Nick Baron  - Exhibition on Post-1945 Displaced Persons (from Nottingham Castle)
Dr Jon Robson - Method in Philosophical Aesthetics: the Challenge from the Sciences


4.30 – 5 pm: Performance: PhD Composition student Alex Kolassa (Music), has written a short new piece for performance at the CAS Launch. A simple instrumental set-up the piece will be performed by postgraduate Music students. http://musicperformance.eventbrite.co.uk

5.30 – 7pm: Public Lecture: Prof. Laurie Taylor: 'More Research is Needed?' Introduced by the VC Prof. David Greenaway http://caslaunch3.eventbrite.co.uk

7.15 – 7.45pm: Reception with buffet and performances including a reading from the Portland Collection by Tim Bentinck, 12th Earl of Portland and ‘David’ from the Archers http://caslaunchtb.eventbrite.co.uk

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk