Research Methods for Grant Applications

Wednesday 15th May 2013 (14:30-16:00)

Please book early, places are limited and demand for this session is usually high


Research methods for grant applications
Professor Cees van der Eijk

This master class is for academics in the Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities intending to apply for research grants.  The choice and justification of research methods is crucial to the review process; reviewers are increasingly commenting on research methods and on the whole they are not complimentary.

Cees van der Eijk, who will lead this master class, is Professor of Social Science Research Methods here at Nottingham, a very experienced PI and a reviewer for several major research panels. 

This session is not an in-depth discussion of the most appropriate methods and tools for research, because there is no single answer to that question for any given topic, let alone across the variety of topics that Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities researchers tend to address.  Which methods to use is the choice of the individual researcher, but whatever methods are selected, choices will need to be specified and justified if a grant application is to be successful. This master class will take a fresh look at how to do this, and how not to do it.

Biscuits and refreshments will be provided.

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
