Centre for Advanced Studies

Early Careers Event

Wednesday 10th June 2015 (13:00-15:30)

In case of query please contact Allison Pearson, CAS Administrator.


Aimed at late-stage PhD students and those who have recently obtained their doctorate but are not yet in a permanent academic post, in the Arts and Social Sciences, this is a popular event in the CAS calendar and early booking is recommended.

The event will:

  • explore relevant research funding opportunities (with a specific focus on Fellowship schemes from the  British Academy and Leverhulme Trust, in addition to relevant internal opportunities and schemes from the Research Councils and Europe);
  • provide an overview of internal support available for early career researchers;
  • offer advice about success factors from a research council reviewers’ perspective;
  • give tips for success from a successful fellowship holder.



Registration & buffet lunch in the Cloisters


Sally Bowden, Research Development Manager for the Arts, CAS
Welcome from CAS


Lisa McCabe and Hilary Sanders, Research & Business Development Officers, CAS
Funding opportunities, schemes and support
To cover a range of schemes across the arts and social sciences: British Academy,  Leverhulme Trust and relevant Research Council Schemes


Victoria Sedman, Researcher Training and Development Manager, Graduate School
Graduate School Support
Your professional development: standing out from the crowd. Topics include the training environment and mobility awards

2:10- 2:30

Hannah Durkin, Leverhulme Research Fellow
Hints and tips from a successful fellowship holder
Timelines and writing an application, how decided what to apply for, where to find appropriate information, success factors


Michaela Mahlberg, Professor of English Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts
A view from the reviewer
What do funders look for in a fellowship application?


Matthew Rackley, Research Development Executive (Europe), Research and Graduate Services
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
Overview of the schemes and support available


Rebecca Stokes, Research Policy Manager, Research and Graduate Services
Nottingham Research Fellowships and Anne McLaren Fellowships
Overview of internal fellowships and tips for a successful application



If you would like to attend please register through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/centre-for-advanced-studies-early-career-event-10th-june-2015-tickets-16974396878

There will be a vegetarian lunch option available, should you have further catering or access requirements please contact Allison.Pearson@nottingham.ac.uk

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk