Centre for Advanced Studies

The Politics of Cultural Memory: Frederick Douglass in Britain and Ireland

A01 Highfield House UPC
Friday 10th June 2016 (19:00-20:30)
Organiser: Professor Stephen Hodkinson
Registration URL
Frederick Douglass Mural Falls Road Belfast
Institute for the Study of Slavery (ISOS), 2016 Annual Public Lecture

Professor Alan Rice, University of Central Lancashire, will speak on the subject:

“The Politics of Cultural Memory: Frederick Douglass in Britain and Ireland (1845-2016)”

Alan Rice is Professor of English and American Studies at UCLAN and Director of its Institute for Black Atlantic Research. He is author of Radical Narratives of the Black Atlantic (Continuum 2003) and Creating Memorials, Building Identities: The Politics of Memory in the Black Atlantic (Liverpool UP 2010). He has led several collaborative projects with museums and community organisations, such as the Slave trade Arts Memorial Project (STAMP) in Lancaster and the exhibition Trade and Empire: Remembering Slavery, at the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.


Photo: Frederick Douglass Mural, Falls Road, Belfast

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk