
Continue to develop your academic, communication and language skills while studying your degree with our Academic Language and Communication Skills courses.


Booking a course for term four

Term dates

 Monday 24 June to Friday 20 September 2024 (excluding Monday 26 August)

Booking a course

Booking will open at 10am on Monday 23 June 2024

Why take an Academic Language and Communication Skills course?

  • Courses help you develop your use of academic language and communication skills
  • Materials are researched and produced in collaboration with faculties and schools
  • Courses are free and have no assignments
  • Courses are scheduled to fit in with your busy schedule and are available online or in person
  • Our tutors are qualified and experienced English for Academic Purposes specialists



Booking a consultation

We have a limited number of in-person consultations, with the majority offered on MS Teams.

Consultations information and booking



Course details and booking

Social Conversation Skills

Duration: Nine weeks

Aims and objectives

The aim of this course is to develop your speaking skills and provide the opportunity to practise in an unpressured environment. It will:

  • help develop your confidence in speaking
  • help develop your fluency in speaking
  • extend your knowledge of vocabulary related to specific topics and give you the opportunity to practise discussing these topics in English
  • enable you to become aware of certain strategies used by speakers to participate in discussions
  • provide you with the language necessary to communicate in different situations on and off campus

Possible topics

  • Getting to know each other
  • Travel advice
  • Family life
  • Gender and stereotyping
  • Customs and habits
  • Idioms and common phrases
  • Restaurants and food
  • Superstitions and proverbs
  • Work
  • Extreme sports and risk taking
  • Final session quiz

Academic Writing: Revising Academic papers

Duration: Three weeks (if attending all three sessions)

Aims and objectives

The aim of this course is to help you with developing an eye for elements in your writing that would benefit from revision. With practical examples and from the perspective of the reader, the course will illustrate common issues and how to address them.

You must book for each session individually. If you wish to follow the whole course, you will need to book three times.

Session 1 Revising academic papers 1: Structure and connections Book this session
Session 2 Revising academic papers 2: Logic and flow Book this session
Session 3 Revising academic papers 3: Academic integrity Book this session



Grammar Review for Writing in Science, Engineering and Medicine

Duration: Seven weeks

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to review and consolidate some of the common areas of difficulty in writing grammatically.  Key objectives are as follows: 

  • To identify common areas of difficulty
  • To examine these in a clear and concise manner
  • To provide opportunities for practice and questions
Week 1 Sentences and clauses
Week 2 Relative clauses
Week 3 Tense 
Week 4 Modals 
Week 5 Passives 
Week 6 Compact writing 
Week 7 Articles (a/an/the) 
We may also look at conditional and use of commas