Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics (CFCM)

Publications 2009

CFCM staff have published recently in the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Economic Theory, the International Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, the Journal of Health Economics, Economica and many more.

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2009 Working Papers
09/14 John Tsoukalas, Philip Arestis and Georgios Chortareas Money and Information in a New Neoclassical Synthesis Framework published in Economic Journal,  120 (542). F101-F128, 2010.
09/13 John Tsoukalas Input and Output Inventories in the UK published in Economica, 78, 460–479, 2009.
09/12 Bert D’Espallier and Alessandra Guariglia Does the Investment Opportunities Bias Affect the Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities of Unlisted SMEs?
09/11 Alessandra Guariglia, Xiaoxuan Liu and Lina Song Internal Finance and Growth: Microeconometric Evidence on Chinese Firms published in Journal of Development Economics, 96, 1, 79-94, 2011.
09/10 Marta Aloi and Teresa Lloyd-Braga National Labor Markets, International Factor Mobility and Macroeconomic Instability published in  Economic Theory(2010), Vol 43(3)
09/09 Simona Mateut and Alessandra Guariglia Inventory Investment, Global Engagement, and Financial Constraints in the UK: Evidence from Micro Data, Published in Journal of Macroeconomics, (2010), Vol.32 (1), pp 239-250.
09/08 Christos Koulovatianos, Charles Grant, Alex Michaelides, and Mario Padula Evidence on the Insurance Effect of Redistributive Taxation, Published in Review of Economics and Statistics, (2010), Vol. 92(4), pp. 965-97
09/07 John Gathergood Income Uncertainty, House Price Uncertainty and the Transition Into Home Ownership in the United Kingdom published in Journal of Housing Economics 2011:20:200-209.
09/06 Thomas A. Lubik and Wing Leong Teo Inventories and Optimal Monetary Policy
09/05 John Tsoukalas Time to Build Capital: Revisiting Investment-Cashflow Sensitivities is forthcoming is Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
09/04 Marina-Eliza Spaliara Do Financial Factors Affect The Capital-Labour Ratio: Evidence From UK Firm-Level Data
09/03 John Gathergood Income Shocks, Mortgage Repayment Risk and Financial Distress Among UK Households
09/02 Richard Disney and John Gathergood House Price Volatility and Household Indebtedness in the United States and the United Kingdom Published in Economica, (2010) 77(July), 472-496
09/01 Paul Mizen, John Tsoukalas and Serafeim Tsoukas The importance of track record for US corporate bondissuers: Some new evidence


Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Enquiries: hilary.hughes@nottingham.ac.uk