
Explore the structure of your crystalline product

- What are the crystallographic properties of my material?


Our instruments

Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometers

Rigaku OD SuperNova GV1000 a diffractometer with microfocus Cu X-ray tube and CCD detector

Rigaku OD SuperNova Duo diffractometer with dual source microfocus Cu and Mo X-ray tubes and CCD detector

Rigaku OD MM007 XtaLab with high intensity rotating anode Cu X-ray source and Dectris Pilatus Hybrid Photon Counting detector

Data Collection in temperature range 80-500 K (Oxford Cryosystems Open Flow liquid nitrogen Cryostream Coolers)

Nikon Crosspolarising Microscope with digital display and image capture


Powder X-Ray Diffractometer


  • Malvern PANalytical Xpert Pro Multipurpose Diffractometer system
  • Sealed tube Cu X-ray source with Johansson focussing beam Ge monochromator to select Ka1 wavelength radiation for high resolution data collection
  • PIXcel Area Detector for rapid data collection
  • Bragg-Brentano geometry goniometer operating in reflection mode with Programmable Divergence Slits and Programmable Anti-Scatter Slits to illuminate samples up to 20x20 mm in area
  • Automatic 45 position sample changer for high-throughput screening
  • Standard powder and air-sensitive sample holders

Advanced Configurations:

  • Anton Paar HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven Chamber for data collection (Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry) over range 25-1200 °C
  • Focussing Mirror Collimator and Capillary Spinner Stage for measuring high quality data in transmission mode
  • Transmission configuration
  • Small Angle X-ray Scattering configuration
  • Capability to run samples on Si wafer zero-background sample holders (user to provide wafers)


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