School of Chemistry

Dr Elena Bichoutskaia awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council

Elena BichoutskaiaCongratulations to Dr Elena Bichoutskaia, an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellow and a Lecturer in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, who was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for her project entitled "Theory of Fundamental Interactions at the Nanoscale".

ERC Starting Grants aim to support up-and-coming
research leaders working in pioneering frontier research in any field of
science and engineering. The scheme targets highly talented
researchers who have the proven potential of becoming independent research
leaders. This grant is one of just 5 awarded in the UK this year in the field of Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences. Elena will use the award (EURO 1.5M over 5 years) to expand her existing research team and to integrate new emerging theoretical models developed in her group into diverse areas of scientific, technological and environmental significance.

For further information please see:

Posted on Tuesday 25th September 2012

School of Chemistry

University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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