Nottingham Sensory Studies NEtwork launches with Geffrye Museum

Friday 17th January 2014 (00:00)

Nottingham Sensory Studies Network launches with Geffrye Museum Event

A new research network for sensory studies, led by CFM staff Tracey Potts and James Mansell and based within the Centre for Critical Theory, has been launched. The new research network brings together University of Nottingham academics from a wide range of disciplines to develop new and innovative work on the senses.

It will host a major event on 28 March 2014 at the Geffrye Museum of the Home, London, on ‘Home Atmospheres: Sensing and Feeling at Home’ (for details see

This event will bring together academics and museum professionals to consider the sensory environment of the home from historical and curatorial perspectives.

The first of a series of Nottingham workshops will also take place on 17 January on the topic of ‘rhythmanalysis’.

Time  & place to be confirmed

If you'd like to join us for this event please email  

Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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