

This international conference will explore how the historical past has been visualized by artists and illustrators for the purpose of education, propaganda, memorialization, and critique across diverse cultural, geographical, and temporal contexts.

In this way, the conference will consider how ideologies, methodologies, and creative tendencies in the present (whenever that ‘present’ may be) shape or influence the art of history and its remembrance.

  • Date: 13 to 14 June 2024
  • Venue: A30 Lecture Theatre, Lakeside Arts Centre, University of Nottingham NG7 2RD
  • Cost: Free
  • Organisers:

David Laven, Associate Professor in History

Isobel Elstob, Assistant Professor in Art History

Booking link


Conference programme

Thursday 13 June

  • Artists and their pasts (10 to 11.05am)
  • The past erased, illustrated and played (11.20am to 12.35pm)
  • Curating past encounters (1.20 to 2.20pm)
  • Bodies reformed (2.35 to 3.50pm)

Friday 14 June

  • (Post)colonial narratives (10 to 11am)
  • The individual and the historical mo(nu)ment (11.15am to 12.30pm)
  • Memory, place and landscape: erasures, fractures and futures (1.30 to 2.30pm)
  • Traumatic pasts (2.45 to 3.45pm)


Conference queries

If you have any queries about the conference contact the organisers:


Practical details

Travel to the University of Nottingham

Parking on campus

Orchard Hotel - on-campus hotel



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