
Event title

  • Culture Leicestershire data day workshop


  • County Hall, Glenfield, Leicestershire


  • Monday 24 June 2024, 9am to 5pm

Data day workshop agenda

  • 9am — Tea and coffee
  • 9.15am — Introduction by Franne Wills
  • 9.30-9.45am — Introduction by Beckie Smith
  • 9.45am-1.30am — Challenges  
  • 10.30am-11.30am — Our outputs
  • 11.30am-12pm — Comfort break
  • 12-12.45pm — Our outputs-sharing
  • 12.45-1.45pm — Lunch
  • 1.45-2pm — Re-cap/warm up
  • 2-2.20pm — People
  • 2.30-3.30pm — Success and impact
  • 3.30-3.45pm — Break
  • 3.45-4.15pm — Big deal data questions
  • 4.15– 4.45 pm — Question grouping
  • 4.45-5pm — Conclusions and close

Data day workshop facilitator

  • Beckie Smith (Director, Flying Geese — Marketing and Development Consultancy)

Data day workshop attendees

Collections and Learning Service (CLS) and Record Office Teams

  • Philip (Collections and Learning Manager)
  • Kath (Creative Learning Services Manager)
  • Alison (Senior Curator)
  • Franne (Head of Service)
  • Daniel (University of Nottingham)

Cultural Participation Team

  • Amanda (Audience Development Manager and NPO Programme Lead)
  • Brian (Audience Development Manager)
  • Pippa (Volunteer Manager)
  • Nicola (Participation Manager)
  • Kirsty (Cultural Outreach Manager)
  • Steph (Community Participation Worker)
  • Helen (Community Participation Worker)

Heritage Team

  • Suzie (Heritage Manager)
  • Richard (Access and Interpretation Manager)
  • Charlotte (Commercial and Operations Manager)
  • David (Heritage Support Officer)
  • Katie (Melton Carnegie Museum Supervisor)

Libraries Team

  • Kate (Library Resources Manager)
  • Lee (Principal Manager)
  • Victoria (Librarian)
  • Sarah (Librarian)
  • Clare (Library Supervisor)

Convened by Suzie Parr, Brian Kennedy, and Amanda Hanton