Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology

First postdoctoral researcher on Marie Curie project joins CMMB

Dr Sid Visser, who recently defended his PhD thesis 'From spiking neurons to brain waves' at the University of Twente, has joined CMMB as a postdoctoral researcher as part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network 'NETT' that started last year. He will work with Professor Stephen Coombes, developing mathematical frameworks using dynamical systems theory, to underpin experiments being performed in the laboratory of Dr Noah Russell (Electrical Engineering) relating to synthetic cognition.

Dr Visser will also help to support the projects undertaken by the two PhD students employed by the Network: Nitzan Herzog, who is also working with Dr Noah Russell, and Alban Levy, who will be working with Dr Chris Sumner in the MRC Institute of Hearing Research at Nottingham.

Posted on Monday 29th April 2013

Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology

School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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email: bindi.brook@nottingham.ac.uk