DXCT 2018

Invited speaker: Professor Michael McCarthy

Michael McCarthy is a leading independent dimensional metrology consultant providing innovative solutions to industry and academia, both in UK and internationally.

email: michael.mccarthy.x@gmail.com 

He holds a Ph.D. in non-contact metrology from Cranfield (CIT) and in addition to his consultancy activities, is an Honorary Professor in the 3D metrology team (IMPact) at UCL. 

As UK’s principle member of the ISO TC213 working group for XCT and chairman of BSI’s Technical Product Realization panel for XCT, Michael is passionate that a robust ISO standard for performance verification of XCT systems will be established.



Performance verification of industrial CT systems~ how do you know a system meets specification?

This presentation will be invaluable to anybody wanting to confidently perform dimensional measurements using an XCT system and requiring length data traceable to national standards, such as supported by NPL or other leading NMIs. 

Setting a scene…Consider a company already using an XCT system with dimensional capabilities; or alternatively, you are interested in using or even investing in an XCT system. 

How can you be confident that any of those length type numbers (micrometres?) on a manufacturer’s performance specifications sheet can actually be delivered by the instrument?  Perhaps the instrument does not have a detailed performance specification sheet? Then what questions and practical tests should an end user request a supplier to perform?

Just how can one be confident in the performance of an individual system’s performance over its entire operating range? Furthermore, how does one compare the performance of different systems, particularly when each manufacturer seems to quote specifications in slightly different ways? 

This presentation will provide an overview of the most up-to-date developments with a proposed dimensional XCT standard, namely ISO 10360 part 11. Once published, it is anticipated that most manufactures will need to revisit their specifications; but how attractive will the numbers be, once an agreed common verification process is available? 

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B044 Advanced Manufacturing Building
The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB
