The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI holds 12th "China and Me" Mandarin Speech Contest on ZOOM

图1 选手们等待比赛开场


On 20th November six shortlisted candidates (one staff member and five students, each from different schools across the University) had their “China and Me” Speech Contest videos broadcast live for assessment by a panel of judges at our ZOOM event. Established in 2009 by Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI), the “China and Me” Speech Contest is an annual event that offers Mandarin learners an opportunity to test and showcase their language proficiency. Winners of the contest are be selected and trained to attend the following year’s Chinese Bridge Competition, representing the University of Nottingham.

The contest was divided into two groups: intermediate and advanced levels. Candidates were asked to video and submit a three-minute speech with the option of adding a talent show-style performance at the end.

The six contestants touched on a wide range of topics during their speeches including the experience of learning Mandarin, travelling and living in China, and the difference between the life of Chinese and British students at tertiary level. They also showcased some impressive talents, including Chinese singing and delivering a Chinese tea ceremoy. The event was attended by nearly 20 students and staff who shared their enthusiasm and support with lots of applause and praise.

Another highlight of the event was a live pipa (sometimes known as the ‘Chinese lute/guitar’) performance from Mandy Zhang, a local musician. Mandy will run a seminar on “Traditional Chinese Muscial Instruments” at NCI’s 5th and final Mandarin Corner event this semester on Thursday 3 December.

Results of the competition are as below:
First prize winner: Sofia Balderson, Em-orn Lin at Advanced Level; Rosie Loyd at Intermediate Level
Second prize winner: Samir Sheth at Advanced Level, Shreeya Parekh at Intermediate Level
Third prize winner: Nick Rea at Intermediate Level





文/吴昊       图/吴昊


     受新冠疫情的影响,诺丁汉大学孔子学院第一次尝试在线上举办比赛。为减少线上比赛的不可控因素,本次比赛主要采用视频投稿的形式,比赛现场播放选手视频,再由评委打分决定名次。投稿视频分为两个部分:主题演讲、才艺展示。选手们紧扣主题,从学习汉语的感悟,说到对中国的热爱;从哈尔滨的留学经历,谈到中英大学生的差异;从中国的学习生活,谈到对中国刻板印象的破除。除了主题演讲,选手们展示了茶艺、中文歌曲等才艺。评委们在播放完视频之后,就演讲内容提问,与选手互动。最终由Rosie Loyd摘得中级组桂冠、Em-orn Lin、 Sofia Balderson并列高级组第一。



Posted on Monday 23rd November 2020

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