The Si Yuan Centre buzzed with energy and excitement as 13 enthusiastic Mandarin learners from the Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI) and the University of Nottingham showcased their language skills and other talents at the 16th “China and Me” Mandarin Speech Contest. The event, organised by NCI, welcomed an audience of over 40 spectators, including friends and family members of the contestants.
Since its launch in 2009, the “China and Me” Speech Contest has become a highlight of the academic calendar, offering Mandarin learners a dynamic platform to demonstrate their linguistic skills, creativity, and cultural understanding.
The contest was divided into two levels: intermediate and advanced. Each participant delivered a three-minute speech, with some opting to include a talent show-style performance. Advanced-level contestants faced the additional challenge of responding to questions from judges, making this category especially competitive.
Contestants touched upon a wide range of fascinating topics during their speeches, including Chinese philosophy, traditions, and their personal journeys learning Mandarin and traveling in China. Adding to the excitement, participants impressed the audience with cultural performances, featuring Chinese pop songs such as “Mo Wen Gui Qi” and “Ni Xiao Qi Lai Zhen Hao Kan,” traditional Chinese fan dances, as well as displays of Chinese painting, calligraphy and Tai Chi. The audience responded with warm applause and encouragement throughout the event.
The winners of the 16th “China and Me” Speech Contest are:
Advanced Level: Mani Jones, Matthew Terry and Leah McAloon
Intermediate Level: Emily Gulley; Sarah England-Amoo and Nadata Samb
NCI would like to congratulate all participants on their hard work and exceptional performances. It also extends its heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the event’s success: NCI staff, volunteers and judges from Nottingham’s School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.
A special thank you goes to the 12 volunteer helpers from the MA in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) programme. These dedicated individuals provided invaluable one-to-one language coaching to contestants in the lead-up to the competition.
To get a glimpse of the event highlights, visit our Instagram.
除此之外,选手们的才艺展示环节更是将比赛推向了高潮。选手们身怀绝技,各展其才。Mani Jones的歌曲表演《你笑起来真好看》节奏欢快,歌声优美,愉悦的气氛瞬间感染了在场的每一位观众;Ngoc Tran带来的中国古典扇子舞行云流水,舞姿优雅而充满力量,每一个转身和挥扇都展现独特的东方韵味;Nadata Samb演唱的歌曲《莫问归期》旋律悠扬而深情,触动了每一个人的心弦;Emily Gulley的太极表演更是柔中带刚,动静结合,每一个动作都充满了和谐与平衡;Larissa Matheus则在现场为我们绘制了中国山水画,笔触细腻而有力,让人仿佛置身于山水之间;Sarah England-Amoo通过歌曲《对不起我的中文不好!》,以幽默诙谐方式,展现了学习中文过程中的趣事和挑战,引得现场观众笑声连连。
经过激烈角逐,中级组的Emily Gulley、Sarah England-Amoo和Nadata Samb分别获得该组的一、二、三等奖。高级组的Mani jones、Matthew terry、 Leah McAloon分别获得该组的一、二、三等奖。
Posted on Monday 25th November 2024