The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI supports Broxtowe Community Celebration Summer Event



Nottingham Confucius Institute joined the Broxtowe Community Celebration Group (BCCG) at the Community Summer Event to celebrate cultures from around the world on Saturday 6th July. The event, strongly supported by Broxtowe Borough Council, took place at Round Hill Primary School in Beeston and was attended by nearly 600 people.

Six NCI teachers and student volunteers from the University ran a drop-in Chinese arts and crafts stall throughout the day which ran from 11am to 4pm. Many participants enjoyed making colourful panda masks and animal paper shapes.

In the afternoon, Miss Yuhua Fan, a talented UoN student studying for a Masters degree in Design at the School of Built Environment, took to the stage to play the Guzheng, a traditional Chinese musical instrument. Selected by NCI for the event, Yuhua started learning to play Guzheng when she was nine years old and now plays the instrument at professional level. Her amazing performance won rounds of applause from the audience with several of them, old and young, joining the stage to have a go at playing the stringed instrument with great enthusiasm (pictured above).

As the day closed, the Council’s event coordinator thanked our teachers and volunteers for their contribution and welcomed NCI to take part in events throughout the year to promote Chinese culture to local people.

Posted on Friday 12th July 2019

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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