The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Brush Painting fun for Mandarin students at Rushcliffe School

Brush painting workshops at Rushcliffe School

Brush painting workshops at Rushcliffe School


The week commencing 19 July saw year 8 and 9 Mandarin students at Rushcliffe School, one of NCI's partner schools,  attend Chinese Brush Painting workshops, where they painted their first ever peony flowers. As you can see from the pictures on the right, the students' enthusiasm and flair produced some gorgeous artwork!

The workshops were delivered online by our friend Jack Jiang, a professional artist, who worked as residential artist at Lakeside Arts and visited several NCI partner schools including Rushcliffe School back in 2017. A group of Rushcliffe students also visited his studio in Ningbo as part of their visit to China during Easter half term in 2019.

The workshops were jointly organised by the Language Department and the Nottingham Confucius Institute at the University of Nottingham. Feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive. “It is challenging but fun. I would love to do it again!” commented one student from year 8. “It looks like a simple brush paint but it’s harder than it looks, because of the special way you draw it accurately with different shades of the colour, it is really fun!” commented another from year 9. 




文/廖茄宏 图/诺丁汉大学孔子学院

当地时间2021年7月19日-23日,诺丁汉大学孔子学院邀请国内著名国画家姜红升老师在线上为拉什克里夫中学(Rushcliffe School)八、九年级的汉语学习者呈现了四场别开生面的中华国画文化工作坊。疫情当下,姜红升老师无法同往年般亲临孔院教学点进行国画的教授。但在网络教学平台的帮助下,经过姜老师和孔院汉语老师的多次协商调试,终于将此次文化体验课成功转移为专家在线上即时教授,孔院老师在线下即时辅助,学生在教室即时体验的跨时空课堂。




Posted on Friday 23rd July 2021

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