The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI celebrates Dragon Boat Festival



6 June saw over 60 Nottingham staff, students and local residents attend the “Zongzi and Perfume Sachet Making Workshop” at the Si Yuan Centre. The event was organised by NCI in celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the major traditional Chinese festivals.

The workshop was led by NCI teacher Miss Shanshan Chen, with strong support from three volunteer teachers. After an introduction to the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and its customs by Shanshan, participants began making perfume sachets under careful supervision of the volunteer teachers. Stitching the sachets and stuffing them with cotton wool and perfumed flowers turned out not to be as easy it looked for many students, but they clearly enjoyed themselves and had some great work to show for it!

The making of rice dumplings (‘zongszi’) was the next challenge: rice and various ingredients such as dates and marinated pork wrapped in bamboo leaves. The group were amazed to see the food transformed into zongzi by Shanshan and Luyao within seconds. Most, including many Chinese students, stated they’d never made rice dumplings before and were eager to have a go themselves.

The best part of the celebration was of course sharing the cooked rice dumplings! Many of the participants also took their sachet handicraft home as souvenirs.




文/王梦迪      图/马路遥

       “玉粽袭香千舸竞,艾叶黄酒可驱邪。”农历五月初五是传统佳节端午节,值此端午佳节之际,诺丁汉大学孔子学院举行了“Zongzi(Rice Dumpling)&Perfume Sachets Making Workshop at NCI”(粽子和香囊制作工作坊),让中外同学在品尝美味粽子、交流汉语的同时,增进对中华传统文化知识的了解。




Posted on Saturday 15th June 2019

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 4502
fax: +44 (0)115 846 6324