2022’s autumn term Mandarin programme closed in style on Saturday 10th December with a showcase party organised by Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI). The party was attended by over forty group and private one-to-one students, staff and volunteers.
The end of course party is a great opportunity for our NCI students to celebrate their achievements and showcase their progress in Mandarin after completing a term of lessons.
After meeting to share a Chinese buffet, students from beginner to advanced levels delivered a wide range of performances. We were very lucky to have a cohort with a diverse array of talents, which led to a great evening’s entertainment. A number of well-known Chinese poems were read such as “Prelude to Water Melody (水调歌头)” by Su Shi and “Farewell to Cambridge (再别康桥)” by XU Zhimo. Several Chinese pop songs, including “Walking Past the Coffee House”, “The Moon Represents my Heart” and “Tonight is Unforgettable”, were also performed by students from intermediate and advanced levels. Group role plays “English food vs Chinese food” and “The Measure Word Shop” were fun and delivered with flair. We were even treated to an excellent stand-up routine!
After the show, many students stayed for drinks and chatted with their peers and NCI teachers. Several emphasised how much they enjoyed learning Mandarin with NCI teachers and were looking forward to joining us again in January.
NCI were delighted to have brought so many people with a passion for Mandarin together. There was a wonderful feeling of warmth and excitement in the air at the Si Yuan Centre – for many of us it was a great way to begin the countdown to Christmas. 2023 promises to be a great year: with such dedicated and lively students it could be nothing else!
第五个节目,彼得(Peter)与阿什利(Ashley)运用所学的汉语知识将《对不起,我的中文不好》改编成了《对不起,我唱的歌不好听》, 将自己在汉语课程中与授课老师程洁以及同学们的趣事改编进歌词里,有着相同经历的同学都会心一笑。接下来,彼得、阿什利和同班同学路易莎(Luiza)还为大家继续表演了舞蹈《本草纲目》,号召大家一起动起来,化身成“刘畊宏男孩”、“刘畊宏女孩”,跳起了“毽子舞”,将气氛推向了高潮。
接下来是诗朗诵《水调歌头》,本(Ben), 麦克(Mike), 塞尔吉(Sergy), 黛菲(Defne)四位学员伴随着舒缓的背景音乐,将这首寄托思念的千年古调展现给大家,表达了“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的美好祝愿。
第十二个节目,由莱拉(Layla)与英格丽德(Ingrid)带来的诗朗诵《再别康桥》,“悄悄是别离的笙箫,夏虫也为我沉默,沉默是今晚的康桥”。 最后,成果秀环节在塞尔吉的歌曲演唱《难忘今宵》中正式落下帷幕。
节目一一表演结束后,观众们纷纷为自己喜爱的节目投票,最终彼得(Peter )与阿什利(Ashley)以《对不起,我唱的歌不好听》获得了最佳团体奖;拉姆亚(Ramya)则以《月亮代表我的心》打动了大家,获得了最佳个人奖。谢芳芳老师为获奖学员颁发礼品。 颁奖完毕后,各班授课老师还为本班学员颁发结业证书,学员们脸上均洋溢着兴奋的笑容。 成果秀大派对还安排了小酒会,师生移步大厅举杯交谈,并在“Merry Christmas”的节日气氛中互道祝福,相约2023年再见。
Posted on Monday 19th December 2022