Over 220 year 8 students at Fernwood School were immersed in Chinese language and culture at workshops delivered by staff from Nottingham Confucius Institute on 9 February. The workshops included a language taster along with a brief introduction to the Chinese New Year, Chinese singing, origami and paper cutting, Chinese calligraphy and a Tai Chi taster.
Many of the students said that they had a fantastic day. One of the students asked our teachers “Will we get to do this again? I really enjoyed it.” Another student said “I loved Tai Chi. I want to look into doing more in my free time.”
Feedback from school staff was also extremely positive. “I liked the variety of activities … the NCI staff were enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and lovely to work with,” said one of the teachers, “Learning about China from natives really gave students a sense of authenticity,” said another. The school told NCI that these workshops aid their Year 8 focus on building links with China and have helped to create a buzz around learning Mandarin and visiting Ningbo in the future.
NCI has been offering Mandarin lessons every Tuesday to 20 year 8 students and staff at Fernwood School since January, following their participation in a head teachers’ delegation visit to China last October. The visit was co-organised by NCI, City Council and Access China UK. A total of nine head teachers from local schools visited China during October half term last year. All of them have established sister schools in Ningbo, with several student and staff exchange visits being planned for the near future.
诺丁汉孔院赴Fernwood Junior School开展工作坊活动
2月9日,英国诺丁汉大学孔子学院老师受邀赴Fernwood Junior School(芬伍德初中)开展中国传统艺术工作坊活动。该校八年级的8个班学生分别体验了汉语言文化,太极、剪纸与书法等活动,在中国新年到来前体会到了浓浓的“中国味”。
Posted on Friday 16th February 2018