The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Mandarin Corner: Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments


On the evening of Thursday December 4 we were delighted to be joined by professional musician Mandy Zhang for our final online Mandarin Corner event of the Autumn term. Mandy has 25 years’ experience of playing the pipa (‘Chinese lute’) and is recognised by the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing as a qualified pipa teacher.

Mandy gave a brief introduction to the origin, development and key features of three important Chinese instruments including the bone flute, guzheng and pipa, all of which were invented over 2,000 years ago. Her live pipa performance was mesmerising and won enthusiastic rounds of applause from the audience. Mandy also held a very insightful and interesting Q and A session where our audience couldn’t stop asking questions!

The event lasted an hour and received fantastic feedback: “The pipa performance was so beautiful!”, “My 7 years old daughter is also here with me. She loves the music too!”, “Thank you very much for organising the event!”. It’s worth noting that not all the participants were staff and students and general public from Nottingham. We received greetings from London, West Sussex in the UK and even from Vancouver and Montreal in Canada!





本次在线活动持续一小时左右,整个过程十分顺利。本次活动通过讲座的形式宣传了中国古典乐器, 包括考古挖掘出来的有8000年以上历史的骨笛、古筝、琵琶等。本次活动主讲人张小敏老师,通过穿插视频、讲解和现场演奏琵琶等方式,具体介绍了这三种传统乐器的起源,发展,演奏原理等知识。张老师的琵琶演奏空谷传响,堪称一绝,正如诗所拟:“昆山玉碎凤凰叫,芙蓉泣露香兰笑”。她的演奏在结束之后获得了满堂喝彩。

在最后的提问环节里,所有参与者都兴致满满向张老师提问,热情高涨,张老师一一作答,大家在欢声笑语中结束了本次活动。 这次张晓敏老师关于中国传统音乐的讲座也为本学期的汉语角活动画上了圆满的句号。下学期诺大孔院也将继续努力,为大家带来更多更好的文化活动。


Posted on Friday 11th December 2020

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