The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Mandarin Corner: Online Spoken Chinese Class

Games on wordwall

Participants playing online games

10 November 2020
On November 5, NCI teachers and students gathered once again for our "Online Spoken Chinese Class", our third Mandarin Corner event of the semester. Delivered in the evening via Zoom, the event offered students of intermediate level an insight into authentic colloquial expressions used by Chinese people on a day-to-day basis.

During the one-hour session, our speaker and teacher Miss Zhuanhui Guo explained several phrases and idioms and made some fascinating comparisons between Chinese and English expressions, highlighting their similarities and bringing the language to life. Students then played some games created by Miss Guo on Wordwall which proved to be great fun.

Our group brought a range of experiences and viewpoints to the session with first year UoN students and retired pensioners sharing their passion for Mandarin and discovering a new approach to applying their learning. Most students were amazed by how simple some of the daily expressions could be and how they could easily put what they already knew to good use.



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Posted on Wednesday 11th November 2020

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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