The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Fantastic turnout gets NCI Summer Camp off to an excellent start

Group photo-summer camp 2022


Wednesday 6 July saw over 50 University staff, students and local residents join the first day of NCI’s Summer Camp at the Si Yuan Building, on the University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus. This was NCI’s first ever Summer Camp as well as its first in-person event since the pandemic began nearly two and half years ago. 

The evening event consisted of a one-hour Mandarinlesson and a one-hour culturalworkshop, followed by an optional free-talk session for those who wished to stay a bit longer to practise their Mandarin.

For the Mandarin lesson, the participants were separated into four classes to suit their needs ranging from complete beginner, beginner, intermediate to advanced levels. All classes were carefully designed by our NCI teachers and filled with interactive games and fun. After a short break, the attendees went to the NCI Gallery to take part in the ‘Places of Interest in China’ cultural workshop, where our staff, student volunteers and participants shared stories and tips on travelling in China.

Laughter and applause filled the corridors throughout the evening, bringing the Si Yuan Building back to life after two years of being far too quiet! With several of the participants having taken online lessons with NCI throughout the pandemic it was wonderful to see them meet their teachers in person for the first time and finally enjoy the benefits of our superb home at the Si Yuan Building. It was truly a delightful summer evening.

NCI Summer Camp takes places every Wednesday from 18:00-20:00 throughout July. More details of the weekly event can be found at








7月6日下午,孔院教师及诺大志愿者团队早早地到孔院准备好学生签到台和教室。活动开始前的15分钟,近40 名学员已经陆续抵达现场,同老师和其他学员热情交谈。晚上6点夏令营正式开始,学员们根据自己的名牌信息先加入不同的班级学习一个小时的语言课,然后合班体验中国文化。




语言课结束后,学员们稍作歇息便汇聚在一起感受中国之旅。杨曦老师化成机长,带领大家乘坐NCI Summer Camp 号航班畅游中国。在北京站,大家积极分享了自己爬长城逛故宫吃烤鸭的经历;在上海站,学员分享了自己在武康路喝咖啡时的情景;在西安站,大家对宏伟的兵马俑赞不绝口,并纷纷对可以在宽阔的城墙上骑自行车表示不可思议;在成都站,大家被视频里憨态可掬的熊猫逗得哈哈大笑,并争先恐后地讨论自己最喜欢在吃火锅的时候放什么菜;在香港站,大家看着视频里无比熟悉的憨豆先生在维多利亚港笑料百出的打斗场面会心一笑,表示自己还是最喜欢成龙;在桂林站,配合英国电影《面纱》的片段,大家静静的欣赏如仙境般的桂林山水;最后在云南站,大家感受着大理风花雪月的浪漫以及山茶花的美丽,并上台品味普洱茶的独特味道。文化体验课以看景点猜城市压轴,在场的学员都积极抢答,赢取熊猫胸针。



 文字 | 杨曦             图片 | 余沁  徐远婷          排版 | 杨曦         审核 | 谢芳芳 


Posted on Friday 15th July 2022

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 4502
fax: +44 (0)115 846 6324