Wednesday 26 July saw nearly 70 University staff, students and local residents join the Nottingham Confucius Institute’s Summer School for the final sessions of 2023 at the Si Yuan Centre, home to NCI.
Building on the success of the first ever Summer School last year, NCI Summer School attracted over 80 registered attendees this year with an average attendance of 60+ every Wednesday evening throughout July.
Each evening event consisted of a one-hour Mandarin lesson and a one-hour cultural workshop, followed by an optional informal Mandarin chat session. For the Mandarin lessons, participants were separated into six classes to match their needs ranging from complete beginner, beginner, intermediate to advanced levels. All classes were carefully designed by our NCI teachers and filled with interactive games and fun.
Each evening the cohort was split into two, with half attending Mandarin lessons and the other half attending cultural workshops during the first hour. After a break the groups swapped over. Splitting the cohort created smaller teaching groups and made for a better student experience. The cultural workshops conducted in the CI Gallery benefitted greatly from their being under 40 participants for each session: teachers could guide attendees through largely unfamiliar activities including tie dye, Chinese painting and Chinese paper cutting with time to answer all questions and attention for everyone.
On 26 July, the last week of the Summer School, all students gathered in the CI Gallery for a seminar delivered by PhD candidate Ms Peng Yixuan from Tokyo University on music and cultural communication, which started off with a cello and erhu duet “A Beautiful Evening” by professional musicians David Bean (also an NCI evening class student) and Ling Peng. After a delightful Chinese buffet in the private dining room, everyone gathered again for the closing ceremony, which was followed by a lucky dip, mahjong, chess and socialising.
Laughter and applause filled the corridors throughout these delightful summer evenings. A short video capturing some of the memorable moments can be viewed here.
Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many thanked NCI for the opportunity to learn Mandarin and experience varied elements of Chinese culture. Several students who were new to NCI and had never learnt Mandarin before expressed interest in signing up to NCI Mandarin courses starting in early October.
We would like to thank our teachers, volunteers, guest speakers and artists for their contribution and hard work. Also special thanks go to Mr Li Qing Yu, Chinese national first class artist and Seren Hu, our colleague from UNNC CI Branch, who travelled all the way from Ningbo to support our event. It was such an honour to host Mr Li’s painting exhibition alongside the Summer School. Some event highlights can be viewed here.
Nottingham CI Nottingham CI 2023-07-30 10:48 发表于英国
7月26日晚6点,学员们齐聚一堂,一起欣赏由大提琴演奏家大卫先生(David Bean) 和二胡演奏家彭玲女士带来的合奏《良宵》,共同品尝饺子、春卷、宫保鸡丁、糖醋排骨等十几道中华美食,开启了本次结营仪式前奏。
随后,诺丁汉大学代表可信研究中心主任杰森·菲利(Jason Feehily)先生、学员代表伊曼(Amanda Tribble)和诺丁汉大学孔院中方院长谢芳芳女士分别致辞。
结营仪式还设置了抽奖环节,气氛热烈,最终六位幸运学员分别获得了孔院课程全额奖学金、半额奖学金及其他不同金额的奖学金。此外,诺大孔院还在结营仪式上推出了“NCI Online Co-Study”项目,为学员们提供在线自学与咨询的新平台。
诗人威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯曾写道:In summer, the song sings itself。这首歌,对于一些人来说,是离别之歌,对于一些人来说,又是重逢之曲,我们都是作曲者与演奏者。这首夏季之歌,语言是琴键,阳光是调号,微风是节拍,我们期望通过这场暑期夏令营,让文化的种子在交流中生根发芽,绽放出更加灿烂的花朵,谱写更温暖的音乐诗章。
撰稿 | 吴爽
排版 | 吴爽
图片摄像 |程洁、Andrew、Vicky、 Sally
审核 | 谢芳芳
Posted on Tuesday 1st August 2023