Over twenty enthusiastic University staff, students and local residents attended our first online lunchtime Tai Chi session on Thursday 28 October. The free event was organised by NCI and delivered via ZOOM by Dr Lan Lo, a qualified Tai Chi instructor, who is also an academic member of staff at the University’s School of Culture, Language and Area Studies.
Originally developed for self-defence, Tai Chi has evolved into a form of exercise combining graceful movement, stretching and mindfulness. Throughout the five-week sessions (every Thursday till the end of November), Lan plans to introduce Taiji Zen 13 Essentials Form, which was devised by Master Wang Zhanhai, in collaboration with Jet Li's Taiji Zen project in China.
Each of these 45 minute-long gentle martial arts sessions will help participants focus their mind, formulate thoughts, develop creative ideas and de-stress their body. To find out more or register for a place, please visit https://nci-taichi.eventbrite.co.uk
文:鄢松波 / 图:余沁
此次线上太极课程由诺丁汉大学汉语言文化中心的郭岚博士主持。她将在课程中讲解 “气功八段锦”和“8式太极”的动作要领及健身原理,帮助学员切身感受中国传统健身文化的魅力。该活动持续5周,每周四午间进行,方便学员学以致用。
Posted on Sunday 14th November 2021