The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI holds outdoor Tai Chi workshops led by Dr Lan Lo

Outdoor Tai Chi with Lan Lo

Outdoor Tai Chi with Dr Lan Lo, Lakeside


Nottingham Confucius Institute were delighted to offer four Tai Chi workshops for University staff, students and members of the general public in the fresh summer air on UoN’s beautiful University Park campus. Spread across July and early August, the events were organised in partnership with Lakeside Arts and led by Dr Lan Lo, a qualified Tai Chi instructor and member of staff at the University.

Originally developed for self-defence, Tai Chi has evolved into a form of exercise combining graceful movement, stretching and mindfulness. Many people who practice Tai Chi often regard it as a means of alleviating stress and anxiety, a form of "meditation in motion."

 Over the four weeks Lan introduced Taiji Zen 13 Essentials Form, which was devised by Master Wang Zhanhai, in collaboration with Jet Li's Taiji Zen project in China. As meditation through movement, it aims to promote health and happiness through a balance of physical wellness and mental fitness.                 

 The workshops were very well received by over seventy participants. Several fed back on how enjoyable and interesting it was, expressing a wish to do more in the future.




当地时间7月10日至8月7日,诺丁汉大学孔子学院与湖边艺术中心合作,在海菲尔德公园在成功举办了四期太极工作坊, 吸引了七十余名太极兴趣爱好者参加。


活动结束之后,参与者们对我们的活动给予了积极的评价,并表示希望这项活动可以定期举办,可以让更多人系统地学习太极, 体验中国传统文化的博大精深。

Posted on Saturday 21st August 2021

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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