Sunday 9 July saw over 30 Mandarin teachers gather at the Si Yuan Centre for Nottingham Confucius Institute's annual training event aimed at enhancing instructional practices and fostering student engagement. The attendees were Mandarin teachers from Nottingham Chinese School, Alderman White School, Rushcliffe School, Confucius institute colleagues from NCI and University of Edinburgh and students on the MA TCSOL programme from Nottingham’s School of Education.
The day began with a seminar on "Differentiation and Personalised Learning" delivered by Ms. Eva Vicente, Head of Modern Languages at Rushcliffe Spencer Academy. After a brief introduction to the key principles of differentiation, Eva demonstrated how adaptive teaching helped foster personalised learning for students of various proficiency levels. She shared various practical tips and strategies ranging from creating classroom routines to conducting language activities and illustrated how to adapt teaching effectively without increasing workload.
This was followed by another talk by Grace Tong, Director of Telford’s China Arts and Culture Centre, on "How to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning Chinese". Grace showcased a number of effective methods and motivational strategies that help ignite and maintain students’ interest in learning Chinese. They included "follow gentle high standards", "create interesting classrooms", "teach students in accordance with their aptitude", "value the crucial role of parents in supporting and enhancing students’ learning experience" and "be charming and effective teachers".
The training event concluded with parallel discussions in three groups where the participants shared experiences and challenges along with solutions and good practice. Many attendees left feeling motivated and equipped with new strategies and practical tips to enhance their teaching practices.
2024年7月7日,诺丁汉大学孔子学院成功举办了2024年度本土教师培训。本次培训吸引了来自英国诺丁汉中文学校、爱德曼·华特中学(Alderman White School)、拉什克利夫中学(Rushcliffe School)的本土教师,以及爱丁堡大学孔子学院中方院长陈钰副教授、诺丁汉大学孔子学院的教师和诺丁汉大学教育学院的学生等30余人参加。
此次培训活动共有两场讲座。第一场由拉什克利夫中学语言学科主任艾娃·文森(Eva Vicente)女士主讲,主题为“如何进行差异化和个性化教学”。文森女士通过具体的策略和生动的演示,详细介绍了如何在课堂上进行差异化和个性化教学。她分享了多种教学策略,包括如何合理设置学生座位、引导学生思考合作与分享、以及如何进行课堂过渡和拓展等,让在场的教师们受益匪浅。
Posted on Friday 12th July 2024