The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Chinese Cultural Workshop at Claremont Primary and Nursery School



Monday 8 November saw over 40 year 5 children at Claremont Primary and Nursery School have fun whilst learning about China and Chinese culture at a workshop organised NCI. The event was delivered by local artist and musician Ling Peng with support from NCI teacher Qin Yu.

During the one-hour workshop, Ling told fascinating stories to bring Chinese dragon legends and Chinese New Year to life, using her erhu, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, to atmospheric effect. All of the children, who had been learning about China as part of their curriculum this term, clearly found the session enjoyable. They showed particular interest in the erhu and the variety of unique sounds it could make: the variety of tunes Ling played, from familiar nursery tunes to Chinese folk songs like  “Jasmine Flower”, won rounds of applause from children and teachers.

The workshop ended with a lively Q and A session, where children took the opportunity to ask all sorts of questions about China, Chinese New Year and Chinese characters with boundless curiosity.

This is the first workshop NCI has offered and physically delivered at a local school since Covid began in March 2020. With the easing of restrictions, we hope to gradually resume normal levels of engagement with the local community and schools in the coming months.



文/图  余沁


2021年11月8日下午,在诺丁汉孔子学院的组织下,二胡艺术家彭玲老师来到了诺丁汉Claremont Primary and Nursery School, 给学校两个班级的学生带来了一次别开生面的中华文化工作坊。


答疑环节中,孩子们踊跃提问。部分同学对汉字的形状、组合方式充满了好奇,彭玲老师用通俗有趣的汉字小故事, 将“木”“林”“森” 等汉字介绍给孩子们,介绍了汉字起源于图画、表意等特点。




Posted on Sunday 14th November 2021

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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