The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Language and cultural workshops at Minster School

workshop at minster school


On 11 January, NCI General Manager Hua Geddes and Mandarin Teacher Mengdi Wang delivered a day of Chinese language and cultural workshops at Minster School as part of the school’s language day. The workshops were attended by nearly 200 year 8 students. 

To engage the students and get them talking, the workshop kicked off with an open question: “What do you know about China?” Once the ice was broken, with often very perceptive and interesting repsonses, the NCI staff had the opportunity to introduce some basic facts about China regarding its geography, population, land marks like the Great Walls and the way Chinese New Year is celebrated. All the students expressed their wish to visit China in the future, with many saying that they would love to visit the Great Wall and try the vast variety of Chinese food – particularly during the pre-lunch workshop! 

The rest of the session saw students learn to cut paper snowflakes and blow-paint plum blossoms on paper plates. Students were encouraged to be creative and design their own patterns, with many of them producing excellent and highly original art work which they happily took home. 

Feedback from the teachers and students was overwhelmingly positive. “I really enjoyed this session and so did the students. They were all engaged and motivated”, said one teacher. “It was great! Loved the painting! Why can’t we do Chinese at Minster?”, one of the students said to their teacher.


文:王梦迪 图: 敏斯特中学

当地时间2019年1月11日,诺丁汉大学孔子学院受邀前往敏斯特中学(Minster School)开展语言体验日(Language Day)活动,为八年级的同学们开展有关语言和中国文化的体验工作坊。 





Posted on Saturday 19th January 2019

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