Writing our History:Digging our Past
Connected Communities

All Our Stories: bid-writing surgery

Thursday 21st June 2012 (13:30-18:30)



As part of its AHRC funded Connected Communities: Writing Our History and Digging Our Past project, the School of Humanities is supporting voluntary and community groups who wish to apply to the Heritage Lottery Fund's All Our Stories programme, which has been developed in parallel with the BBC TV's latest series The Great British Story.

Community groups are invited to a 'bid-writing surgery' to discuss and get advice on their project proposals well in advance of the HLF deadline for applications on 31st July 2012.

This will be an opportunity for you to get advice on your proposed project from a range of people with experience in writing and supporting funding bids. Lesley Owen-Jones, the HLF Regional Development Manager for the East Midlands, will give a short presentation at 4.30pm about the All Our Stories programme, some hints and tips on bid writing, and be available for informal discussions. 

 Since the All Our Stories programme emphasises sharing what you have learnt, particularly through digital media, we will also be able to provide some guidance on potential digital outputs (e.g. websites, producing a DVD), and explore the possibilities of the University providing some technical support to your project.

In order to make this a very practical event, we plan to meet with each group to discuss their proposed project by appointment. To book your slot, please email Dr Judith Mills (Judith.mills@nottingham.ac.uk ) as soon as possible, with:

  •  The name of your group, including contact details.
  •  The proposed title of your bid – this can be a working title as nothing is fixed at this stage.
  •  A brief description of your project (2-3 sentences).
  •  An indication of which timeslot(s) would be best for you:
    1.30 – 3 pm,  3 – 4.30 pm, or 5 – 6.30 pm
    (please note, these are timeslots not fixed appointment times – you will be notified the exact time of your appointment nearer the date)

Additionally, by 14 June, we will need to receive a longer description of your project – about one A4 side of paper – using the section headings that are in the HLF application form:

  • What is the heritage focus of your project?
  • How will you explore your heritage?
  • How will share what you have learnt with others?
  • How will you celebrate what you have achieved?
  • How will you tell the story of your project using digital technology?
  • When will your project start and finish?

If you are not sure that the All our Stories programme is the right one for your group, or are thinking of applying for one of the other HLF funding programmes and would like some advice, then please do get in touch as we would be happy to meet with you as well.

More details about the All Our Stories programme are available on the HLF website http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/allourstories.aspx . The deadline for applications to All Our Stories is 31 July 2012.