Centre for Research into Ideas and the Study of Political Ideologies

Noberto Bobbio and Political Ideologies

MS Teams
Friday 11th June 2021 (09:45-17:30)
Registration URL

Centre for the Study of Political Ideologies (CSPI), Nottingham, in conjunction with the Journal of Political Ideologies, presents: 'Noberto Bobbio and Political Ideologies' - an online conference

Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004) was one of Italy’s leading post-war political and democratic theorists, but his work remains little-known in the anglophone world. This conference proposes to bridge that gap by looking anew at Bobbio’s decades-long study of political ideologies, past and present, in an attempt to retrieve its transnational dimension, emphasise its connection to key historical and political developments, and unearth its theoretical and practical relevance.

It brings together distinguished political theorists with more junior scholars from across Europe to bring new perspectives to Bobbio’s thought, and the papers presented at the conference will subsequently be submitted to the Journal of Political Ideologies for consideration for a special issue dedicated to the subject. The conference will be held online under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Political Ideologies at Nottingham, founded by Michael Freeden in 2013, to mark the arrival of the Journal of Political Ideologies to Nottingham under the new editorship of Mathew Humphrey.

All sessions will be held on Teams (UK time). Presenters will offer a brief 20mins overview of their papers, which will be circulated in advance (end-May). Respondents will comment for 10mins, leaving 20mins for broader discussion.

To register, please visit the Online Registration Form for this event.

Conference programme

9.45-10am: Welcome and Introductory RemarksMathew Humphrey (Nottingham) 

10-10.50am: ‘The lesson of the classics’: Bobbio on Thomas Hobbes’ political theoryPasquale Pasquino (NYU)Respondent: Tony Burns (Nottingham) 

11-11.50am: Bobbio’s political philosophy, between theory and ideologyValentina Pazè & Massimo Cuono (Turin)Respondent: Michael Freeden (Oxford) 

12-12.50am: Bobbio on the left/right dichotomyHugo Drochon (Nottingham)Respondent: Jonathan White (LSE) 

1-2pm: Lunch Break

2-2.50pm: Between liberalism and socialism: Bobbio’s democratic visionDavid Ragazzoni (Columbia)Respondent: Jan-Werner Mueller (Princeton)

3-3.50pm: Bobbio and Aron on the role of intellectuals in democracyAurelian Craiutu (Indiana) & Maurizio Griffo (Napoli)Respondent: Joshua Cherniss (Georgetown) 

4-4.50pm: Bobbio and liberalism, between classics old and newGiuseppe Sciara (Bologna)Respondent: Nadia Urbinati (Columbia) 

4.50-5.30pm: Concluding Remarks and Closing DiscussionDean Blackburn (Nottingham)

Centre for Research into Ideas and the Study of Political Ideologies

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
