Centre for Research into Ideas and the Study of Political Ideologies

Anthropocene (A)synchronicities

Wednesday 10th (09:00) - Thursday 11th April 2024 (17:00)

The Centre for Research into Ideas and the Study of Political Ideologies (CRISPI) is delighted to announce the details of the Anthropocene (A)synchronicities conference, organised by CRISPI member Blake Ewing and Nicola Thomas (Lancaster). 

Anthropocene (A)synchronicities is a widely interdisciplinary conference taking place on the 10th and 11th April at the University of Nottingham with the aim of bringing together scholars interested in the Anthropocene and its varied temporal dimensions, especially the (dis)entanglement of different time scales and flows. The conference will be complemented by the development of an ongoing network and a series of funded public engagement events, for which proposals are also invited at this stage.

The Call for Papers  will close on 31 January 2024. 

The conference is funded by the British Academy and is hosted by CRISPI.

Centre for Research into Ideas and the Study of Political Ideologies

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
