Mathematics Education Centres

Please send details of any additions to

Centro de Educacao Matematica; caixa postal 11277; cep 05422-970; S‹o Paulo; Brasil. Contact: Antonio Jose Lopes on; The site is in portuguese on

Centre for Mathematics Education: The Open University; Milton Keynes: Buckinghamshire: MK7 6AA; United Kingdom; Tel: (+44) (0)190 865 3550; Fax: (+44) (0)190 865 2150;

Centre for Mathematics Education; Sheffield Hallam University; 25 Broomgrove Road; Sheffield S10 2NA; U.K.

Centre for Mathematics Education; South Bank University; 103 Borough Road; London; SE1 0AA; UK; Tel: 0171 815 7440; Fax: 0171 815 7499;

Centre for Research in Mathematics Education (CRIME); University of Southampton; Highfield; Southampton; SO17 1BJ; United Kingdom; Tel: (+44) (0)1703 593477; Fax: (+44) (0)1703 593556;

Centre for Teaching Mathematics; School of Mathematics and Statistics; University of Plymouth; Drake Circus; Plymouth; PL4 8AA; UK; Tel/Fa: (+44) (0)1752 232772;

Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education, Nottingham University, Nottingham, NG7 2RD,

Freudenthal Instituut; Utrecht University; Tiberdreef 4; 3561 GG Utrecht; Netherlands; Tel: + 31 30 2 611 611; Fax: + 31 30 2 660 430;

Graduate School of Education; La Trobe University; Bundoora; Victoria 3083; Australia; Tel: (+61 3) 9479 1473; Fax: (+61 3) 9479 3070;

Equipe Didactique des Mathematiques; Laboratoire Leibniz; Imag; 46 Avenue Felix Viallet; 38 031 Grenoble Cedex 0; FRANCE; Tel: 33 76 57 48 76; Fax: 33 76 57 46 02,

The Mathematics Education Unit; Department of Mathematics; The University of Auckland; PB 92019, Auckland, New Zealand; Tel: (+64) 9 373 7599; Fax: (+64) 9 373 7457; This is "the largest centre for mathematics education in New Zealand and has a number of active researchers". Contact Mike Thomas

Shell Centre for Mathematical Education; School of Education; University of Nottingham; University Park; Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK; Tel: (+44) (0)115 9512 4410; Fax: (+44) (0)115 979 1813; Director: Kath Hart;

Swansea Mathematics Education Group (SMEG); University of Wales Swansea; Department of Education; Hendrefoelan; Swansea SA2 7NB; Wales; UK; Tel: (+44) (0)1792 201231 ext 2042; Fax: (+44) (0)1792 290219,

"una empresa docente"; Universidad de los Andes; Apartado Aereo 4976; Bogota, Colombia. Tel: (571) 284-9911 Ext. 2717.